Dental FAQs with Dr. Casey Crafton
Welcome to FAQs with Dr. Casey Crafton! We’re committed to helping you understand how to keep your child’s teeth healthy both now and for their future. We hope you’ll join us each week as we add to our FAQ page.
Welcome to FAQs with Dr. Casey Crafton
FAQ Video 1 : When Should I take my Child to the Dentist
FAQ Video 2 : Oral Habits
Pediatric Dental FAQs
What is the Difference Between a Pediatric Dentist and a General/Family Dentist?
Pediatric dentists are the “pediatricians of dentistry”. Pediatric dentists have two to three years of additional training following dental school, focusing on the specific needs of children. In addition, pediatric dentists typically limit his/her practice to treating children only. Pediatric dentists are primary and specialty oral care providers for infants and children through young adulthood, including those with special health needs.
At What Age Should My Child Have His/Her First Dental Check-Up?
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should see a pediatric dentist “when the first tooth appears, or no later than his/her first birthday”.
How Often Does My Child Need to See a Pediatric Dentist?
For most children, routine check-ups are recommended every six months to prevent cavities and other dental problems; however, your pediatric dentist may recommend more frequent appointments based on individual oral health needs.
When Will My Child Start Getting Teeth?
Teething, the process of primary (baby) teeth erupting through the gums into the mouth, varies among individual children. Generally, the first teeth (lower front teeth) begin to eruption between the age of 6-8 months; although the pace and order of eruption varies, most children will have complete primary dentition (20 primary teeth).
Permanent teeth begin eruption around the age of six, beginning with the first molars and lower front teeth; the process of exfoliation and eruption continues until approximately 14 years of age. The third molars, or “wisdom teeth”, typically erupt between 17-21.
Are Baby Teeth Really that Important?
Primary, or “baby” teeth are important for many reasons. Primary teeth play a vital role in the development of speech and proper chewing/eating. Additionally, primary teeth aid in maintaining the space for a permanent tooth when it is ready to erupt.
Are Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Habits Harmful for My Child’s Teeth?
Thumb sucking and pacifier habits typically only cause a problem if they persist over a long period of time. Most children stop these types of oral habits on their own; however, if children continue oral habits beyond the age of three, intervention may be recommended.
Have More Questions?
If you have additional questions please contact Crafton Dental in Columbia and we will be happy to answer them!

Dental FAQs | (410) 381-0900